Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Long Overdue

OK. So this update is way overdue. It's been a loooonnnggg time since I posted anything. I've been super busy and haven't had any real news, hence no update. But, I've had lots of people ask me recently what is happening with my adoption. So here goes. I've spent much of the last year and a half in school. I started this adoption process in October 2013 and started paramedic school in December 2013. I finally finished that this past December and took a month and half off from school before I started at the fire academy. Four months later, I graduated from that. It's been a stressful and demanding year and a half, but the great thing is, it gave me something to focus on besides my adoption.

During the end of 2014, I made the huge decision to change the adoption agency I was working with. It was a difficult choice to make, because it meant that I was going to be losing some money that I had already paid. Given how expensive adoption is already, the thought of having to repay fees I had already paid and spend thousands more was stressful. However, I felt that the agency I was with was not supportive, lacked greatly in their communication and willingness to help, and overall was not a good match for me. I worried about completing an adoption with them. I found another agency that was amazing. They had great reviews and went above and beyond to help get me moved over and everything explained to me. I've been nothing but happy to be partnered with them.

Every year I am registered waiting for my country to give me a referral, I must do an update. This includes updating my home study (more of that super fun paperwork) and updating my U.S. Immigration approval. After doing lots of research and soul-searching, I decided to expand my parameters to be matched with a child. This means that I am open to be matched with more "types" of children, including more special needs and older than I originally requested. In the country I am adopting from, the most commonly requested child is "healthy" and under the age of 5. Subsequently, that is the hardest to be matched with and what I originally requested. It is currently taking 4-5 years to receive a referral for a child with that description. The more you are open to, the shorter your wait time could be. My new update was submitted mid-June, so I'm a month into waiting. Who knows what the time line looks like now. But hopefully it will be shorter than what I was looking at before.

I've also had some friends and family ask if there is anything they can do to help. If you're interested in helping bring a child into our loving home, I've set up an adoption donation account. Donations are tax-deductible and all of the money raised will go towards my upcoming legal and travel expenses. Every single dollar helps. You can also share the link with anyone you know that may want to help. Also, if you're local... I'm selling everything I have that isn't tied down. ;-) If you have stuff you want to get rid of, I'll gladly take it off your hands. Any money I make from selling stuff is also going straight to adoption expenses.

As always, I still appreciate the support and well wishes from all of you. It's a long and hard road and will continue to be. I don't mind questions, so if you have any, ask away. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts. There is an orphan on the other side of the world waiting for a family and we can't wait to have her (or him) home with us.