So I want to set the record straight. I am not paying for my child. No adoptive parent does. The cost comes from agency fees, legal fees, the piles of documents that must be filled out, checked, checked again, and translated, the homestudy, and travel fees. That all adds up - to a lot.
I thought I'd break down some of the costs, just to get it out there in the open. Every adoption is different. Each agency has different fees, domestic and international adoptions have different costs, and travel fees vary significantly. But the following breakdown is a rough estimate of mine. As you can see the fees add up to about $30,000, with travel being about 25% alone. And none of these fees are for "a child"!
- Agency Fees (includes fees for my agency, Hague training courses, Dossier assistance, homestudy, and post-adoption reports) - $9000
- USCIS Filing (includes fingerprints) - $890
- Foreign Adoption Program Fees - $3000
- B Legal Coordination Fees (includes translation of documents, legal and court fees in country, and a translator for my trips) - $8250
- Travel (two trips for a week each, the second trip has a child's one way ticket home!) - $7700
Which brings me to my next bit of news. Very exciting! Another adoptive momma has graciously offered to help me with a fundraiser to help bring my child home. She is a consultant for Thirty-One and will be donating her entire commission from any purchase you make to my adoption fund! That means 25% of your purchase will go to my agency to help with my fees. The sale will go on for a week and a half. Please feel free to share the blog with anyone you think may be interested. As I've said before, I appreciate the support I receive from all of you. Any help you can offer to help me bring my kiddo home would be unbelievable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :-)
If you're interested in doing some shopping, follow this link!
If you make a purchase online, please email Paula O'Brien at to verify she received your order. You must choose "ship to customer". The fundraiser will end April 12, 2014.