Christmas will be here within a week. It's, by far, my favorite time of the year. But I had a breakdown this week. Tears of sadness. I spoil my biological child. A lot. I know this. And I accept it. But my other child- the one waiting to be matched with me- will spend this Christmas (and likely several more) on the other side of the world. In an orphanage. Does he or she have warm enough clothes, good, healthy food, and most importantly love? Are toys or books too far-fetched to even imagine?
I decided to buy a Christmas tree ornament this year for him or her, so that years from now, he'll know I was thinking of him. We're also going to cook a B side dish to have with our Christmas dinner and I'll be trying to bake maslenki (a Christmas cookie). This is my tiny attempt at feeling closer to him this season.
Obicham te, little one. I love you and Merry Christmas!